Sequential Animation Playback in Godot 4.2 Using Signals

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im making an animation play in godot 4.2. this code i have doesn't work. the only thing that plays is ability started. how do i make them play in order? REMEMBER THE ANIMATIONS ARE IN THE HUD and are called in the file. fix the code for me: func secondary() -> void: if !can_secondary: return can_secondary = false"ability started")

func secondary_anim_done() -> void:"ability ended")"ability cooldown")"ability refreshed")
can_secondary = true

To ensure that your animations play in order, you need to wait for each animation to finish before starting the next one. In Godot, you can use signals to detect when an animation has finished playing. Here's how you can modify your code to achieve this:

  1. Connect the animation_finished signal from the AnimatedSprite to a function that will handle the animation sequence.
  2. Use a state variable to keep track of which animation should play next.

Here's an example of how you can implement this:

# Assuming this is in your file

var can_secondary: bool = true
var current_animation: int = 0
var animations: Array = ["ability started", "ability ended", "ability cooldown", "ability refreshed"]

func _ready() -> void:
    # Connect the animation finished signal
    secondary_animated_sprite.connect("animation_finished", self, "_on_animation_finished")

func secondary() -> void:
    if !can_secondary:
    can_secondary = false
    current_animation = 0  # Start with the first animation[current_animation])

func _on_animation_finished() -> void:
    current_animation += 1  # Move to the next animation
    if current_animation < animations.size():[current_animation])
        # All animations are done
        can_secondary = true


  1. Array of Animations: We create an array called animations that holds the names of the animations in the order they should be played.
  2. Animation Finished Signal: We connect the animation_finished signal of the AnimatedSprite to a function called _on_animation_finished().
  3. State Management: We use a variable current_animation to keep track of which animation is currently playing. When secondary() is called, it starts the first animation and sets current_animation to 0.
  4. Playing Animations in Order: In the _on_animation_finished() function, we increment current_animation and check if there are more animations to play. If there are, we play the next one. If all animations have been played, we set can_secondary back to true.

This way, your animations will play in the specified order, and you can only trigger the secondary ability again once all animations have completed.