Calculating Intersection Extent of Two GeoTIFF Files in Python

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Python and gdal, get intersect extend of two geotiff file


To get the intersecting extent of two GeoTIFF files using Python and the GDAL library, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the GeoTIFF files.
  2. Retrieve the bounding boxes (extents) of both files.
  3. Calculate the intersection of these bounding boxes.

Here's a step-by-step guide with code:

  1. Install GDAL: If you haven't already, you need to install the GDAL library. You can do this using pip:

    pip install gdal
  2. Python Code:

    from osgeo import gdal
    def get_extent(ds):
        """Get the extent of a GDAL dataset."""
        gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        minx = gt[0]
        maxx = gt[0] + (ds.RasterXSize * gt[1])
        miny = gt[3] + (ds.RasterYSize * gt[5])
        maxy = gt[3]
        return (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
    def intersect_extent(extent1, extent2):
        """Calculate the intersection of two extents."""
        minx = max(extent1[0], extent2[0])
        miny = max(extent1[1], extent2[1])
        maxx = min(extent1[2], extent2[2])
        maxy = min(extent1[3], extent2[3])
        if minx < maxx and miny < maxy:
            return (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
            return None  # No intersection
    # Open the GeoTIFF files
    ds1 = gdal.Open('path_to_first_geotiff.tif')
    ds2 = gdal.Open('path_to_second_geotiff.tif')
    # Get extents
    extent1 = get_extent(ds1)
    extent2 = get_extent(ds2)
    # Calculate intersection
    intersection = intersect_extent(extent1, extent2)
    if intersection:
        print(f"Intersection extent: {intersection}")
        print("No intersection found.")


  1. get_extent(ds): This function takes a GDAL dataset and returns its extent as a tuple (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).

  2. intersect_extent(extent1, extent2): This function takes two extents and calculates their intersection. If the extents do not intersect, it returns None.

  3. Opening GeoTIFF files: The gdal.Open function is used to open the GeoTIFF files.

  4. Getting extents: The get_extent function is called for both datasets to get their extents.

  5. Calculating intersection: The intersect_extent function is used to find the intersection of the two extents.

  6. Output: The intersection extent is printed if it exists; otherwise, a message indicating no intersection is printed.

Make sure to replace 'path_to_first_geotiff.tif' and 'path_to_second_geotiff.tif' with the actual paths to your GeoTIFF files.