How to Close a Mesh in Open3D by Filling Holes

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open3d, how to force the mesh to be closed


In Open3D, you can attempt to close a mesh by filling holes in the mesh. This can be done using the TriangleMesh class and its associated methods. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to force a mesh to be closed:

  1. Load the Mesh: First, load your mesh into an Open3D TriangleMesh object.
  2. Identify and Fill Holes: Use the fill_holes method to fill any holes in the mesh.
  3. Check for Closure: Optionally, you can check if the mesh is now closed.

Here's a sample code snippet to demonstrate this process:

import open3d as o3d

# Load your mesh
mesh ="path_to_your_mesh_file.obj")

# Check if the mesh is watertight (closed)
print("Is the mesh watertight before filling holes?", mesh.is_watertight())

# Fill holes in the mesh
mesh = mesh.fill_holes()

# Check if the mesh is watertight (closed) after filling holes
print("Is the mesh watertight after filling holes?", mesh.is_watertight())

# Optionally, visualize the mesh

# Save the closed mesh"path_to_closed_mesh_file.obj", mesh)


  1. Loading the Mesh: The function is used to load the mesh from a file.
  2. Checking for Watertightness: The is_watertight method checks if the mesh is closed (i.e., has no holes).
  3. Filling Holes: The fill_holes method attempts to fill any holes in the mesh.
  4. Rechecking for Watertightness: After filling holes, you can check again if the mesh is now watertight.
  5. Visualization: The o3d.visualization.draw_geometries function is used to visualize the mesh.
  6. Saving the Mesh: Finally, the function saves the modified mesh to a file.


  • The fill_holes method is a part of the TriangleMesh class in Open3D and is designed to fill small holes in the mesh. However, it may not work perfectly for all types of holes or very complex meshes.
  • If the mesh is still not watertight after using fill_holes, you might need to manually inspect and fix the mesh using additional tools or methods.

This should help you in closing the mesh using Open3D.