Fixing Secondary Animation Crashes in Godot 4.2

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secondary animations crash in godot 4.2 fix it here is the entire extends CharacterBody3D

var player_id : int = 1 var speed: float var base_speed: float = 6.0 var backward_speed: float = 4.75 var air_acceleration: float = 4.5 var jump_velocity: float = 3.5 var crouch_speed: float = 3.0 var mouse_sensitivity: float = 0.0008 var controller_sensitivity: float = 3.0 var gravity: float = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity") var dead: bool = false var can_primary: bool = true var can_secondary: bool = true var can_special: bool = true var can_ultimate: bool = true var is_crouching: bool = false var max_ammo: int = 30 var current_ammo: int = 30 var reload_time: float = 10.0 var reloading: bool = false

@onready var ray_cast_3d = %RayCast3D @onready var camera_3d = %Camera3D @onready var shoot_sound = %ShootSound @onready var primary_timer = %PrimaryTimer @onready var gun_animated_sprite = %GunAnimatedSprite @onready var secondary_animated_sprite = %SecondaryAn


It looks like you're experiencing issues with secondary animations in your Godot 4.2 project. While you haven't provided the full code, I can help you troubleshoot common issues related to animations in Godot, especially with the AnimationPlayer or AnimationTree nodes.

Here are some steps and tips to help you fix the crash related to secondary animations:

1. Check AnimationPlayer/AnimationTree Setup

Ensure that your AnimationPlayer or AnimationTree is set up correctly. If you're using an AnimationPlayer, make sure that:

  • The animations are properly defined and named.
  • The animation names used in your script match those in the AnimationPlayer.

If you're using an AnimationTree, ensure that:

  • The tree is properly configured and the states are correctly set up.
  • The parameters you are trying to access in the script are correctly defined in the AnimationTree.

2. Verify Animation Names

Make sure that the animation names you are trying to play in your script match exactly with the names defined in the AnimationPlayer or AnimationTree. This includes checking for typos and case sensitivity.

3. Check for Null References

If your script is crashing, it might be due to trying to access a node or property that is null. Ensure that:

  • All nodes you are referencing with @onready are correctly assigned in the scene.
  • You are not trying to access animations before the nodes are ready.

4. Debugging

Add some debug prints to see where the crash occurs. For example, you can print out the state of your animations before trying to play them:

if can_secondary:
    print("Attempting to play secondary animation")
    if secondary_animated_sprite:"secondary_animation_name")
        print("secondary_animated_sprite is null")

5. Error Handling

Wrap your animation calls in a try block to catch any exceptions that might be causing the crash:

    if can_secondary:"secondary_animation_name")
except Error as e:
    print("Error playing secondary animation: ", e)

6. Review Animation Logic

Make sure that your logic for playing animations is correct. For example, ensure that you are not trying to play an animation while another one is already playing unless that is intended.

7. Update Godot

If you are using an older version of Godot 4.2, consider updating to the latest stable version, as there may have been bug fixes related to animations.

Example Code Snippet

Here’s a simplified example of how you might structure your animation logic:

func _process(delta):
    if Input.is_action_just_pressed("secondary_action") and can_secondary:

func play_secondary_animation():
    if secondary_animated_sprite:
        if not secondary_animated_sprite.is_playing():
        print("secondary_animated_sprite is null")


By following these steps, you should be able to identify and fix the issue causing the crash related to secondary animations in your Godot project. If you continue to experience problems, consider providing more details about the specific error messages or behavior you're encountering.