How to Dump a Redis Key in Windows Using CLI

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redis dump key in windows


To dump a Redis key in Windows, you can use the Redis command-line interface (CLI) tool. Here’s how you can do it:


  1. Install Redis: Make sure you have Redis installed on your Windows machine. You can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or a native Windows port of Redis.
  2. Access Redis CLI: You need to access the Redis command line interface.

Steps to Dump a Key

  1. Open Command Prompt or PowerShell:

    • If you are using WSL, open your WSL terminal.
    • If you are using a native Windows port, open Command Prompt or PowerShell.
  2. Connect to Redis:

    • If Redis is running locally, you can connect to it using the following command:
    • If Redis is running on a different host or port, you can specify the host and port:
      redis-cli -h <hostname> -p <port>
  3. Dump the Key:

    • Use the DUMP command to get the serialized value of the key. Replace <your_key> with the actual key you want to dump:
      DUMP <your_key>
    • This will return a serialized version of the key's value in a binary format.
  4. Exit Redis CLI:

    • You can exit the Redis CLI by typing:


Here’s an example of dumping a key named mykey:

> DUMP mykey


  • The DUMP command returns a serialized value that is not human-readable. If you want to restore this key later, you can use the RESTORE command.
  • If you want to see the value in a more readable format, you can use the GET command (for string values) or other appropriate commands depending on the data type of the key.

Additional Commands

  • To see all keys in the database:
    KEYS *
  • To get the value of a string key:
    GET <your_key>


Using the DUMP command in Redis allows you to retrieve the serialized value of a key, which can be useful for backups or migrations. Make sure to handle the binary data appropriately if you plan to use