Fixing Animation Cooldown in Godot 4.2 Using Await

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im making a game in godot 4.2. you cant use yield anymore its await now. im trying to play an animation for an ability kind of like how it's done in overwatch. but my code is wrong, as the ability cooldown plays infinitely! fix my code to make it stop: await get_tree().create_timer(secondary_animated_sprite.get_animation("ability_cooldown").length).timeout secondary_animated_sprite.stop()


In Godot 4.2, the await keyword is used to pause execution until a signal is emitted or a promise is resolved. In your case, it looks like you're trying to play an animation for an ability cooldown and then stop it after the animation finishes. However, the way you're currently using await might not be correctly handling the animation playback.

Here's a revised version of your code that ensures the animation plays once and then stops correctly:

# Start the ability cooldown animation"ability_cooldown")

# Wait for the animation to finish
await get_tree().create_timer(secondary_animated_sprite.get_animation("ability_cooldown").length).timeout

# Stop the animation after the cooldown


  1. Play the Animation: The play method is called to start the animation.
  2. Await the Timer: The await statement waits for the timer to finish, which is set to the length of the animation.
  3. Stop the Animation: After the timer times out, the stop method is called to stop the animation.

Additional Considerations:

  • Ensure that the animation is not set to loop in the AnimationPlayer settings, as this could cause it to play infinitely regardless of your code.
  • If you want to ensure that the animation is only played once and not interrupted, you might want to check if the animation is already playing before calling play.

Here’s an example of how you might check if the animation is already playing:

if !secondary_animated_sprite.is_playing():"ability_cooldown")
    await get_tree().create_timer(secondary_animated_sprite.get_animation("ability_cooldown").length).timeout

This way, you prevent the animation from being triggered multiple times if the ability is activated again before the cooldown animation finishes.