Grouping Points by Longitude and Latitude in Python

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In python, group a list of points by their longitude and latitude coordinates, to make each group consists of 100 points which are aggregated together in space.


To group a list of points by their longitude and latitude coordinates such that each group consists of 100 points aggregated together in space, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sort the points based on their coordinates.
  2. Divide the sorted list into chunks of 100 points each.
  3. Aggregate the points in each chunk.

Here's a Python script that demonstrates this process:

import numpy as np

# Sample list of points (longitude, latitude)
points = [
    (12.34, 56.78),
    (23.45, 67.89),
    (34.56, 78.90),
    # Add more points as needed

# Function to aggregate points
def aggregate_points(points):
    if not points:
        return None
    longitudes, latitudes = zip(*points)
    avg_longitude = np.mean(longitudes)
    avg_latitude = np.mean(latitudes)
    return (avg_longitude, avg_latitude)

# Sort points by longitude and then by latitude

# Group points into chunks of 100
chunk_size = 100
groups = [points[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(points), chunk_size)]

# Aggregate each group
aggregated_points = [aggregate_points(group) for group in groups]

# Print the aggregated points
for i, point in enumerate(aggregated_points):
    print(f"Group {i + 1}: {point}")


  1. Sorting the Points: The points are sorted based on their longitude and then by latitude. This ensures that points that are close to each other in space are grouped together.

  2. Chunking the Points: The sorted list of points is divided into chunks of 100 points each. This is done using list slicing.

  3. Aggregating the Points: For each chunk, the points are aggregated by calculating the average longitude and latitude. This is done using the aggregate_points function, which uses NumPy to compute the mean of the coordinates.


  • Ensure that the list of points has at least 100 points to form a complete group. If the number of points is not a multiple of 100, the last group will contain the remaining points.
  • You can modify the aggregate_points function to use a different aggregation method if needed.
  • This script assumes that the input list points is a list of tuples, where each tuple represents a point with longitude and latitude coordinates.

This approach should help you group and aggregate the points as required.