Fixing Secondary Animations Order in Godot 4.2 Code

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i want my secondary animations to play in order. but only ability started seems to work. fix my code. remember that this is godot 4.2 and yield is not a thing anymore. also remember that the animations are all located in a control node in the hud so the code must work accordingly. fix and print out the entire code and show what changed: extends CharacterBody3D

var player_id : int = 1 var speed: float var base_speed: float = 6.0 var backward_speed: float = 4.75 var air_acceleration: float = 4.5 var jump_velocity: float = 3.5 var crouch_speed: float = 3.0 var mouse_sensitivity: float = 0.0008 var controller_sensitivity: float = 3.0 var gravity: float = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity") var dead: bool = false var can_primary: bool = true var can_secondary: bool = true var can_special: bool = true var can_ultimate: bool = true var is_crouching: bool = false

var max_ammo: int = 30 var current_ammo: int = 30 var reload_time: float = 10.0 var reloading: bool = false


To ensure that your secondary animations play in order in Godot 4.2, you can use the AnimationPlayer node to manage the animations. Since yield is no longer available, you can use await with AnimationPlayer's play() method to wait for the animation to finish before starting the next one.

Here's how you can modify your code to achieve this. I will assume you have an AnimationPlayer node in your HUD that controls the animations. The following code includes a method to play the secondary animations in order.

Updated Code

extends CharacterBody3D

var player_id : int = 1
var speed: float
var base_speed: float = 6.0
var backward_speed: float = 4.75
var air_acceleration: float = 4.5
var jump_velocity: float = 3.5
var crouch_speed: float = 3.0
var mouse_sensitivity: float = 0.0008
var controller_sensitivity: float = 3.0
var gravity: float = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity")
var dead: bool = false
var can_primary: bool = true
var can_secondary: bool = true
var can_special: bool = true
var can_ultimate: bool = true
var is_crouching: bool = false

var max_ammo: int = 30
var current_ammo: int = 30
var reload_time: float = 10.0
var reloading: bool = false

# Reference to the AnimationPlayer node in the HUD
@onready var animation_player: AnimationPlayer = $HUD/AnimationPlayer

# Function to play secondary animations in order
func play_secondary_animations():
    if can_secondary:
        can_secondary = false  # Prevent further calls until done
        await animation_player.animation_finished  # Wait for the first animation to finish
        await animation_player.animation_finished  # Wait for the second animation to finish
        await animation_player.animation_finished  # Wait for the third animation to finish
        can_secondary = true  # Allow secondary animations to be played again

# Example of how to call the function
func _input(event):
    if event.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):  # Replace with your input action

Changes Made:

  1. AnimationPlayer Reference: Added a reference to the AnimationPlayer node in the HUD using @onready var animation_player: AnimationPlayer = $HUD/AnimationPlayer.
  2. Play Secondary Animations Function: Created a new function play_secondary_animations() that plays the animations in order using await to wait for each animation to finish before starting the next one.
  3. Input Handling: Added an example of how to call the play_secondary_animations() function when a specific input action is pressed.

Make sure to replace "secondary_animation_1", "secondary_animation_2", and "secondary_animation_3" with the actual names of your animations in the AnimationPlayer. Adjust the input action in the _input function to match your game's input configuration.