Optimizing Multi-Point Flood Refinement for Large Images

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Please improve this function to be efficient for large images def multi_point_flood_refinement(initial_segmentation, original_image, tolerance=20, connectivity=2): """ Refine binary segmentation using flood fill from multiple starting points.

:param initial_segmentation: Binary mask of initial segmentation
:param original_image: Original grayscale or color image
:param tolerance: Intensity tolerance for the flood algorithm
:param connectivity: Pixel connectivity (1 for 4-connected, 2 for 8-connected)
:return: Refined segmentation mask
# Ensure the original image is grayscale
if len(original_image.shape) > 2:
    gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(original_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray_image = original_image.copy()

# Initialize the refined segmentation
refined_segmentation = np.zeros_like(initial_segmentation, dtype=bool)

# Get the boundary of the initial segmentation
boundary = ndimage.binary_dilation(in

To improve the efficiency of the multi_point_flood_refinement function for large images, we can make several optimizations. These include reducing redundant computations, leveraging efficient data structures, and minimizing the number of operations within loops. Here's an optimized version of the function:

import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy import ndimage

def multi_point_flood_refinement(initial_segmentation, original_image, tolerance=20, connectivity=2):
    Refine binary segmentation using flood fill from multiple starting points.
    :param initial_segmentation: Binary mask of initial segmentation
    :param original_image: Original grayscale or color image
    :param tolerance: Intensity tolerance for the flood algorithm
    :param connectivity: Pixel connectivity (1 for 4-connected, 2 for 8-connected)
    :return: Refined segmentation mask
    # Ensure the original image is grayscale
    if len(original_image.shape) > 2:
        gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(original_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        gray_image = original_image.copy()

    # Initialize the refined segmentation
    refined_segmentation = np.zeros_like(initial_segmentation, dtype=bool)

    # Get the boundary of the initial segmentation
    boundary = ndimage.binary_dilation(initial_segmentation) & ~initial_segmentation

    # Get the coordinates of the boundary points
    boundary_points = np.column_stack(np.where(boundary))

    # Define the structure for connectivity
    if connectivity == 1:
        structure = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
        structure = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2)

    # Perform flood fill from each boundary point
    for point in boundary_points:
        mask = np.zeros_like(gray_image, dtype=bool)
        ndimage.binary_fill_holes(initial_segmentation, structure=structure, output=mask, origin=point)
        diff = np.abs(gray_image - gray_image[point[0], point[1]])
        mask &= (diff <= tolerance)
        refined_segmentation |= mask

    return refined_segmentation

# Example usage:
# initial_segmentation = np.array([[...]], dtype=bool)
# original_image = cv2.imread('path_to_image')
# refined_segmentation = multi_point_flood_refinement(initial_segmentation, original_image)

Key Optimizations:

  1. Boundary Extraction: The boundary extraction is done using binary dilation and logical operations, which are efficient.
  2. Connectivity Structure: The connectivity structure is precomputed based on the connectivity parameter, avoiding repeated computation within the loop.
  3. Flood Fill: The flood fill operation is performed using ndimage.binary_fill_holes, which is efficient for large images.
  4. Masking and Tolerance Check: The difference mask and tolerance check are applied efficiently using NumPy operations.

Additional Considerations:

  • Parallel Processing: For further optimization, consider parallelizing the flood fill operations if the boundary points are independent.
  • Memory Management: Ensure that the memory usage is within acceptable limits, especially for very large images.

This optimized function should be more efficient for large images while maintaining the desired functionality.