Dumping and Restoring Redis Keys on Windows

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redis dump key to file in windows then restore it to another redis


To dump a specific key from a Redis database to a file on Windows and then restore it to another Redis instance, you can follow these steps:


  • Ensure you have Redis installed on your Windows machine.
  • Make sure you have access to both the source and target Redis instances.

Step 1: Dump the Key to a File

  1. Open Command Prompt: Open the Command Prompt on your Windows machine.

  2. Use redis-cli to Dump the Key: Use the redis-cli tool to export the key. Replace your_key with the key you want to dump, and source_redis_host and source_redis_port with your source Redis instance details.

    redis-cli -h source_redis_host -p source_redis_port --raw DUMP your_key > your_key.dump

    This command will create a file named your_key.dump containing the serialized value of the key.

Step 2: Restore the Key to Another Redis Instance

  1. Read the Dump File: You need to read the contents of the dump file into a variable. You can do this using PowerShell or a similar tool.

  2. Use redis-cli to Restore the Key: Use the redis-cli tool to restore the key to the target Redis instance. Replace target_redis_host and target_redis_port with your target Redis instance details.

    $data = Get-Content -Raw -Path .\your_key.dump
    redis-cli -h target_redis_host -p target_redis_port RESTORE your_key 0 $data
    • 0 is the TTL (time to live) in milliseconds. If you want the key to expire, replace 0 with the desired TTL in milliseconds.


  • Permissions: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access both Redis instances and the file system.
  • Data Types: The DUMP and RESTORE commands work with all Redis data types.
  • Compatibility: Ensure that both Redis instances are compatible in terms of version and configuration to avoid any issues during the restore process.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully dump a key from one Redis instance and restore it to another on a Windows machine.