6th Grade Spanish Lesson: Greetings and Introductions

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6th Grade Spanish Lesson Plan: Introduction to Spanish

Lesson Title: ¡Hola! Introduction to Spanish

Grade Level: 6th Grade

Duration: 1 hour


  • Students will be able to greet others and introduce themselves in Spanish.
  • Students will learn basic vocabulary related to greetings and introductions.
  • Students will practice pronunciation and simple conversational phrases.

Materials Needed:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards with vocabulary words
  • Handouts with greetings and introductions
  • Audio clips of native Spanish speakers (optional)
  • A small ball or soft object for a "pass the ball" activity

Lesson Outline:

  1. Warm-Up (10 minutes)

    • Begin with a brief discussion about the Spanish language. Ask students if they know any Spanish words or phrases.
    • Introduce the concept of greetings in different cultures. Discuss why greetings are important.
  2. Introduction to Vocabulary (15 minutes)

    • Write the following vocabulary on the whiteboard:
      • Hola (Hello)
      • Adiós (Goodbye)
      • ¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)
      • Estoy bien (I am good)
      • ¿Y tú? (And you?)
      • Me llamo... (My name is...)
      • ¿Cómo te llamas? (What is your name?)
    • Go through each word/phrase, pronouncing them clearly and having students repeat after you.
    • Use flashcards to reinforce vocabulary. Show the word and ask students to say it aloud.
  3. Practice (15 minutes)

    • Pair students up and have them practice greeting each other using the vocabulary learned. Encourage them to use complete sentences.
    • Walk around the classroom to provide assistance and correct pronunciation as needed.
  4. Interactive Activity: Pass the Ball (10 minutes)

    • Have students sit in a circle. Pass a ball around while music plays (or a timer runs).
    • When the music stops, the student holding the ball must greet the person next to them in Spanish and introduce themselves using "Me llamo..."
    • Continue until all students have had a chance to participate.
  5. Wrap-Up and Review (10 minutes)

    • Review the vocabulary by asking students to translate phrases back to English.
    • Ask a few students to demonstrate a greeting and introduction in front of the class.
    • Discuss the importance of learning Spanish and how it can be useful in everyday life.
  6. Homework Assignment:

    • Students will write a short paragraph in Spanish introducing themselves, using at least three of the vocabulary words learned in class. They can include their name, how they are feeling, and a greeting.


  • Observe students during pair practice to assess their pronunciation and use of vocabulary.
  • Review the homework assignment for understanding and correct usage of phrases.

Additional Notes:

  • Encourage students to practice speaking Spanish at home with family or friends.
  • Consider incorporating cultural elements related to Spanish-speaking countries in future lessons to enhance engagement.

This lesson plan provides a foundational introduction to Spanish, focusing on greetings and self-introduction, which