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GPT-4o Mini
Course Plan for Python and Vue.js in ComfyUI Custom Nodes

课程规划:Python 和 Vue.js 结合 ComfyUI Custom Nodes


本课程旨在教授学员如何使用 Python 和 Vue.js 开发 ComfyUI 的自定义节点,掌握相关的开发技能,并能够将 GitHub 上的开源项目移植为 ComfyUI 插件。


模块 1:Python 基础

  • 内容概述
    • Python 语法基础
    • 数据结构(列表、字典、集合、元组)
    • 函数与模块
    • 文件操作
  • 真实示例
    def read_file(file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
            return file.read()
  • 课后检测
    • 编写一个函数,读取指定文件并返回文件内容。
  • 课后提问
    • Python 中的列表和字典有什么区别?

模块 2:Python 高级特性

  • 内容概述
    • 面向对象编程
    • 异常处理
    • 装饰器与生成器
  • 真实示例
    class Node:
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value
            self.children = []
        def add_child(self, child_node):
  • 课后检测
    • 创建一个树形结构的节点类,并实现添加子节点的方法。
  • 课后提问
    • 什么是装饰器?它有什么用?

模块 3:Vue.js 基础

  • 内容概述
    • Vue.js 介绍与安装
    • Vue 实例与生命周期
    • 数据绑定与事件处理
  • 真实示例
    <div id="app">
        <h1>{{ message }}</h1>
        <button @click="changeMessage">Change Message</button>
        new Vue({
            el: '#app',
            data: {
                message: 'Hello, Vue!'
            methods: {
                changeMessage() {
                    this.message = 'Message Changed!';
  • 课后检测
    • 创建一个简单的 Vue 应用,包含数据绑定和事件处理。
  • 课后提问
    • Vue 的双向数据绑定是如何实现的?

模块 4:Vue.js 组件化开发

  • 内容概述
    • 组件的创建与使用
    • 组件间的通信
    • 插件的使用
  • 真实示例
            <child-component :message="parentMessage"></child-component>
    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                parentMessage: 'Hello from Parent!'
  • 课后检测
    • 创建一个父组件和子组件,父组件向子组件传递数据。
  • 课后提问
    • 组件的 props 是什么?如何使用?

模块 5:ComfyUI Custom Nodes 开发

  • 内容概述
    • ComfyUI 介绍与环境搭建
    • 自定义节点的创建
    • 节点的配置与使用
  • 真实示例
    from comfyui import Node
    class CustomNode(Node):
        def __init__(self):
        def process(self):
            # 处理逻辑
  • 课后检测
    • 创建一个简单的自定义节点,能够接收输入并返回输出。
  • 课后提问
    • ComfyUI 中的节点是如何工作的?

模块 6:将 GitHub 开源项目移植为 ComfyUI 插件

  • 内容概述
    • GitHub 项目的理解与分析
    • 代码的适配与修改
    • 插件的打包与发布
  • 真实示例
    • 选择一个开源项目,分析其功能,并编写适配代码。
  • 课后检测
    • 将一个简单的开源项目移植为 ComfyUI 插件,并进行测试。
  • 课后提问
    • 在移植过程中遇到的最大挑战是什么?如何解决的?


  • 课程回顾:总结所学知识,强调 Python 和 Vue.js 在 ComfyUI 开发中的重要性。
  • 未来学习方向:推荐进一步学习的资源和项目。


  • 完成一个综合项目,结合 Python 和 Vue.js 开发一个完整的 ComfyUI 插件,提交代码并撰写使用文档。


  • 提供一个讨论平台,学员可以在此提出问题,分享经验,互相学习。

通过以上课程规划,学员将能够系统地掌握 Python 和 Vue.js 的基础与进阶知识,并能够应用于 ComfyUI 的开发中,最终实现自定义节点的创建与插件的移植。

Created By zane zheng With GPT4omini.app
Handling Special Characters in GeoPandas File Paths

When using GeoPandas to read a file, special characters in the file path, such as '!', can sometimes cause issues. This is often due to how the underlying libraries handle file paths. Here are a few strategies to work around this problem:

  1. Escape Special Characters: In some cases, escaping the special character might help. However, this is not always reliable.

  2. Raw String Literals: Use raw string literals in Python by prefixing the string with r. This tells Python to treat backslashes and other special characters as literal characters.

  3. Rename the File or Directory: If possible, rename the file or directory to remove the special character.

  4. Use os.path: Construct the file path using the os.path module to ensure it is correctly formatted.

  5. Use Double Backslashes: If you are on Windows, you can use double backslashes to escape special characters.

Here is an example of how you might use some of these strategies:

Example 1: Using Raw String Literals

import geopandas as gpd

# Use a raw string literal to handle special characters
file_path = r'C:\path\to\your\file_with_special_char_!.shp'
gdf = gpd.read_file(file_path)

Example 2: Using os.path

import geopandas as gpd
import os

# Construct the file path using os.path
base_path = 'C:\\path\\to\\your'
file_name = 'file_with_special_char_!.shp'
file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name)

gdf = gpd.read_file(file_path)

Example 3: Renaming the File or Directory

If you have control over the file system, the most straightforward solution might be to rename the file or directory to remove the special character.

Example 4: Using Double Backslashes (Windows)

Created By fee loong With GPT4omini.app
Finding Majority Value and Its Ratio in a NumPy Array

To find the majority value (the most frequent value) in a NumPy array and its ratio, you can use the numpy library along with some additional functions. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Use numpy.bincount to count the occurrences of each value in the array.
  2. Use numpy.argmax to find the index of the maximum count, which corresponds to the majority value.
  3. Calculate the ratio of the majority value by dividing the count of the majority value by the total number of elements in the array.

Here's a code example to illustrate this:

import numpy as np

# Example array
arr = np.array([1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 5, 2])

# Step 1: Count the occurrences of each value
counts = np.bincount(arr)

# Step 2: Find the index of the maximum count
majority_value = np.argmax(counts)

# Step 3: Calculate the ratio of the majority value
ratio = counts[majority_value] / len(arr)

print(f"Majority value: {majority_value}")
print(f"Ratio of majority value: {ratio}")


  • np.bincount(arr) returns an array where the value at each index i is the count of occurrences of i in the input array arr.
  • np.argmax(counts) returns the index of the first occurrence of the maximum value in counts, which corresponds to the most frequent value in arr.
  • counts[majority_value] gives the count of the majority value.
  • len(arr) gives the total number of elements in the array.
  • The ratio is then calculated by dividing the count of the majority value by the total number of elements.

This method works well for arrays with non-negative integers. If your array contains negative numbers or non-integer values, you might need to use a different approach, such as using collections.Counter:

from collections import Counter

# Example array
arr = np
Created By fee loong With GPT4omini.app
Converting GeoDataFrame Features to Aligned Raster Files

To convert each feature in a GeoDataFrame to a raster and ensure that the raster aligns with the integer coordinates of the resolution given an upper-left x (ulx) and upper-left y (uly) coordinate for the output coordinate system, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Required Libraries: Ensure you have geopandas, rasterio, and shapely installed. You can install them using pip if you haven't already:

    pip install geopandas rasterio shapely
  2. Load the GeoDataFrame: Load your vector data into a GeoDataFrame.

  3. Define the Rasterization Function: Create a function to rasterize each feature.

  4. Align the Raster to the Given Coordinates: Ensure the raster aligns with the integer coordinates of the resolution given the ulx and uly.

Here's a complete example:

import geopandas as gpd
import rasterio
from rasterio.features import rasterize
from shapely.geometry import mapping
import numpy as np

def rasterize_feature(feature, ulx, uly, resolution, width, height, out_path):
    Rasterize a single feature ensuring alignment with the given ulx, uly, and resolution.
    - feature: The feature to rasterize (GeoSeries).
    - ulx: Upper-left x coordinate.
    - uly: Upper-left y coordinate.
    - resolution: The resolution of the raster.
    - width: Width of the raster in pixels.
    - height: Height of the raster in pixels.
    - out_path: Output path for the raster file.
    # Create an affine transform for the raster
    transform = rasterio.transform.from_origin(ulx, uly, resolution, resolution)
    # Create an empty array for the raster
    raster = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
    # Rasterize the feature
    shapes = [(mapping(feature.geometry), 1)]
    raster = rasterize(shapes, out_shape=raster.shape, transform=transform, fill=0, dtype=np.uint8)
    # Write the raster to a file
    with rasterio.open(
    ) as dst:
        dst.write(raster, 1)

# Load your GeoDataFrame
gdf = gpd.read_file('path_to_your_vector_file.shp')

# Define the parameters
ulx = 100000  # Example upper-left x coordinate
uly = 200000  # Example upper-left y coordinate
resolution = 10 
Created By fee loong With GPT4omini.app
What is GPT-4o Mini?

GPT-4o Mini is a streamlined version of the GPT-4o model, designed to be more efficient with fewer computational resources while still offering strong language processing capabilities.

How does GPT-4o Mini differ from the full GPT-4o model?

GPT-4o Mini has fewer parameters compared to GPT-4o, which makes it faster and less resource-intensive. While GPT-4o Mini is efficient and cost-effective, GPT-4o provides deeper contextual understanding and handles more complex queries with greater accuracy.

How can I use GPT-4o Mini?

You can start using GPT-4o Mini directly on our website GPT4oMini.app for text generation and conversations. No registration or software download is needed.

Is GPT4oMini.app free or paid?

Currently, GPT4oMini.app is available for free. We plan to introduce a paid version in the future, which will offer additional features and access to more advanced models, including the full GPT-4o.

What features will the paid version include?

The paid version will provide access to more GPT models beyond GPT-4o Mini, including the full GPT-4o, and support for context-aware conversations with enhanced capabilities.

What are the main advantages of using GPT-4o Mini over GPT-4o?

The main advantages of using GPT-4o Mini include faster response times and lower resource consumption, making it more suitable for applications with high request volumes or limited resources. It is also more cost-effective compared to GPT-4o, which may be beneficial for budget-conscious projects.

Can GPT-4o Mini handle long conversations or complex queries effectively?

While GPT-4o Mini is efficient and capable of handling many tasks well, it may not perform as effectively as GPT-4o for very long conversations or highly complex queries. GPT-4o offers more advanced contextual understanding and can better manage intricate discussions.

How fast are GPT-4o Mini’s response times compared to GPT-4o?

GPT-4o Mini generally offers faster response times due to its optimized architecture. In contrast, GPT-4o may have longer response times but provides more detailed and nuanced responses.

How can I provide feedback or report issues?

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please submit feedback through the email [email protected]. Your input is valuable for improving our services.

Does GPT-4o Mini support multiple languages like GPT-4o?

Yes, GPT-4o Mini supports multiple languages, but the quality may vary compared to GPT-4o. GPT-4o typically offers higher accuracy and better performance across a wider range of languages.